Our Mission

Junket Inc. is a forever family and mentoring group for youth involved in the foster care system holding a primary goal of equipping youth with realistic and tangible life skills as they transition into independent living. As they take their next steps into adulthood, we remain an ongoing support as they navigate the struggles that come with living independently. 

For the past 13 years, we have built a core group and maintained those relationships by engaging them in entrepreneurial projects. We have loved the opportunity to give them a platform to learn how to work as a group, manage their expectations and learn more about conflict resolution. As they have gotten older and become more “official” independent adults, we are seeing a way to personalize those projects into more specific goals/projects for each Junket member. Our hope is to guide them into a space and a future that they dreamed of for themselves. To provide a trusted place to dream, build and grow.

We have always said, it takes a village to raise a child and every child deserves a constant safety net and secure place to turn every step of the way, for as long as it takes. 

Sara Comis + Heather Hupalo

  • Our dream is to provide a safe space and forever safety net for each youth who walks through Junket’s door. A place where no one ever ages out. Once a Junket member, always part of the Junket Forever Family.

  • Build up a community of resources and practical support for the growing Junket Forever Family of foster youth to support their ongoing journey into adulthood.

  • Nurture and sustain the growth of the Junket Forever Family in order to spread the impact to even more young adults seeking support.

Meet the Team

  • Heather Hupalo

    FOUNDER/ Executive Director

    Heather traveled around the world, keeping art close by wherever she went, working with homeless in São Paulo, women in brothels, youth in orphanages, summer camps, and schools, making a final stop in Katesh, Tanzania where she researched water projects. These travels and experiences confirmed that Brooklyn, New York is home. She is trained in photography with an MDIV in Theology and is now utilizing everything she has learned throughout the years to empower youth, building leaders to take on the next generation.


  • Sara Comis

    FOUNDER/ Executive Director

    Sara's passion lies with working one-on-one with youth, forming relationships, and making life-long connections. Since the age of 19, Sara has been investing in the lives of youth. She began mentoring at a small children's home in Austin, TX and little did she know relationships there would land her in NYC in 2010. A social worker by trade, Sara has always had a strong desire to love those involved in the foster care system—to provide consistency and support through the ups and downs. Sara is an eternal optimist, loves to laugh and find the silver lining. She is also a feisty advocate who will try and convince anyone and everyone to become a mentor! Sara hopes to always live a life outside the box and full of leaps of faith.


  • Josh Henderson


Past Volunteers

  • Shoba Rampersaud

    Thank you for your tireless help with bringing us to 501C3 status. We are eternally grateful.

  • Elizabeth Oporto

    Thank you for all you have done and contributed., your insight and dedication was truly appreciated.

  • India LoFaso

    They still talk about the flower crowns! We appreciate the time and energy you gave when you were in New York.

  • Brionna Jimerson

    Thank you for guiding us through the world of social media and podcasting!

  • Tim Moran

    Thank you for helping up tell our story!

  • Ann Kane

    Thank You for jumping right in as an individual mentor!

  • Matt Shenk

    Thank You for donating your time and sharing your sweet family with us!

  • Matt Millane

    Thank You for being one of our first mentors and being there in the darkest of times.

  • Levi Schmidt

    Thank You for helping shape Junket from the beginning! And for having faith in us from the start.

  • Shannon Schmidt

    Thank You for being a consistent support for your mentee and walking alongside us as we started this journey!

  • Joe Khalil

    Thank You for dreaming with us from the beginning and for continuing to be a support for your mentee.

  • Thank You!

    To everyone who has invested in Junket and joined our Forever Family!

Board Members

  • Heather Hupalo

    FOUNDER / Board Co-Chair

  • Sara Comis

    FOUNDER / Board Co-Chair

  • Joshua Henderson

    Board Member