Our Mission
Junket Inc. is a chosen family and mentoring group for young adults after foster care. We equip our members with essential life skills and a network of people in their corner as they step into the vital next stage of adulthood. We remain a constant support, resource and chosen family as they navigate the joys and struggles that come with independent living.
Our goal is to help each member structure their life and plan for their future in comprehensive, holistic ways. We offer an alternative to living in crisis mode and help our members prevent crises before they happen or utilize the crisis to build a stronger, more empowered version of themselves. We are proud that Junket members design a future they are excited to live.
Our members always have support and a proper seat at our table. At any point, they may return to celebrate a win, announce a huge life event, or seek help in a crisis. We grow like a family, with established members becoming a support for new members.

Our members always have a safe, consistent
place to belong.
Giving Back (we did a lot of composting!)
Governor’s Island spanning a few years
Apple Picking Upstate a Junket family tradition
Brooklyn Flea selling our Merchandise
Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action.
Belonging is an outcome.
~ Arthur Chan