Adult with Junket
Acceptance. Unconditional support. Consistent help through all the ups and downs life throws at you.
If you want to learn more about what we do, fill out the link above. We’ll reach back out to set up a time to call or meet up. Always, there is no pressure. Our program is voluntary. We exist to provide a safe place to land through all the ups and downs of independent living. We look forward to getting to know you!

Our members always have a safe, consistent
place to belong.
Areas of Assistance
Our Adulting Assistance program (formerly known as Individual Member Grants) provides up to $2,500 annually for each Junket member to utilize as they work toward specific, personalized goals. Listed below are the ways the funds can be used.
Assisting with college applications along with fees, navigating FAFSA, looking for scholarships and support funds, and linking to supports such as tutors while working toward a GED.
Navigating the intricate world of healthcare and equipping each member with the skills and savvy one needs to make sure they are well connected to providers and having their health needs met.
Phone Plan
Providing stable phone and internet access is essential to enable consistent and reliable communication with family members, friends, health care providers, important accounts, and employers. This connectivity fosters relationships and ensures that individuals can effectively manage their responsibilities and seek support when needed.
Helping to establish a welcoming and functional home environment and ensuring that the living space remains a safe haven for everyone involved, especially during the crucial initial stage of moving in after transitioning out of the foster care system.
Updating resumes and cover letters, looking for new job opportunities and preparing for any exams that allow for upward movement and additional skill building.
Mental Health
Connecting members with stable mental health providers and providing an environment where all are welcome and encouraged to share their feelings and navigate the complexities of mental health issues that arise.
Budgeting for expenses, setting up bank accounts at reliable institutions and helping to build and maintain credit to create a solid financial foundation for increased stability enhancing overall well-being.
Job Training
Engaging in continuing education programs and certificate courses, enrolling in local driving schools, training for various union jobs, and exploring any other essential learning and development opportunities to broaden job prospects. These efforts not only improve skills but also open doors to a wider range of employment options, fostering greater independence and success.
Offering comprehensive support in navigating the various challenges that often accompany any type of court involvement, whether it be related to custody arrangements, criminal matters, or immigration issues, while also providing valuable resources aimed at helping to prevent court involvement when possible.
YouTube Channel @AdultingIsReal coming soon …
How much Adulting Assistance funding is available for me to access?
We cap the amount at $2500/person per year, but this does not mean each person has that amount to use no matter what. Funds are allocated based on specific needs requested and it’s common the full amount is not used.
What if I receive Adulting Assistance funds for a training or education program and then I don’t complete it?
Our role is to be in your corner, to help support you in every way you can. If you are unable to complete a program you start, we are here to help with the next steps. It does not mean the funds weren’t used for a good purpose, sometimes we must go through certain setbacks to get to where we’re supposed to be. Don’t be afraid to embark on something for fear of failure. As long as you’re giving your best, that’s all we ask.
What if I need help with my regular monthly bills?
The funds are not intended to be used for regular maintenance costs or ongoing bills, but rather for more specific purposes that help support your goals. If there is an emergent need, please speak with us and we can talk though it but it is a whole different process to utilize Adulting Assistance funds for maintenance costs with more extensive transparency and requirements.
Can I submit a request form any time?
Request forms will be received digitally during scheduled Tuesday Junket meetings, and it could take up to a week before we’re able to review it and make a decision. It’s also possible that we may come back and ask you to provide more information or clarification which could extend the approval timeline. We will work with you to the best of our ability if there is a tight deadline for funds needed.
What if my Adulting Assistance request is denied and I don’t agree?
We have always had a transparent and open communication policy and encourage you to share your feelings about the decision so we can talk through it until we’re able to be on the same page. It may be that we need you to refine or adjust the request and that would result in filling out a new form to better fall in line with the Adulting Assistance guidelines.
I really do have a pressing emergent need that does have to do with maintenance/ongoing costs. What is that separate process like?
Assisting with basic/ongoing life expenses is only something we are able to do one time per year, is significantly limited to absolute need-based expenses, and requires a full budget breakdown to be filled out and complete transparency about where your money is going so we can help walk you through the situation and build some safety measures to help prevent the same situation from happening again.
What’s included for “household support”?
This category is meant to support needs that are going on in your household that may be preventing you from moving forward toward your next steps in life. Sometimes that means someone in your household needs support, and we want you to feel open to talking with us about those specific situations. Some ways we have assisted in the past under this category include having family pictures taken and providing initial vet fees for a pet. It varies by the person and situation as to whether the situation would qualify for assistance funds.
Why does it have to be so specific?
Since we are a registered non-profit organization, we must be completely transparent with all our financial information and have a responsibility to our donors to use every dollar that comes in toward our expressed mission and purpose. In order for us to be above board in all things, we have to be super specific and provide clear guidelines about how the money is being used.
What if I have a question that’s not addressed here?
If you have any questions at all please reach out to Questions are expected and welcomed, asking them allows each of us to grow and move forward and there is never a “wrong” question.
Look forward to hearing from you.