In the summer of 2021 …
We know, we can’t believe it either. It has been a joy to look back, especially over all the photos, reliving so many memories over the years. Often we don’t have time for reminiscing so it was nice to be able to sit and revisit the past and see the progress play out. Scroll down and we’ll walk you through each year highlighting some moments that helped shape Junket into what it is today.
2011 : The Beginning
Governor’s Island, the day that started it all. Two mentors, three brave kiddos who took a chance on Junket- the name chosen for its meaning “a journey for pure enjoyment”. We continued our journey with rock climbing, always trying new foods plus our first ever excursion upstate to go apple picking which has turned into an annual MUST. And yes, always LOTS of walking.

2012 : The Fundraiser
As our group continued to grow, we quickly realized the need for funding and began taking official steps to become a 501(c)3. In the fall of 2012, we held our first fundraiser at the Invisible Dog in Brooklyn, selling our own Junket shirts featuring words of inspiration coined by Junket members along with a Junket For Change tote bag. The crew performed a skit allowing the attendees a glimpse into their world and our core group of initial supporters was cultivated.
THANK YOU to Tracey King for your designs, Laura Plaster for your lead on the skit and David Chow & Jeff Taylor for your photos!
2013 : Junket Business Meetings
In 2013 we acquired our own office space at Green Desk in downtown Brooklyn and began meeting every Tuesday with the Junket crew. Contracts were signed by each member, expectations were raised as we challenged them to give even more of themselves in meetings and rewarding their efforts with a monthly stipend.
Junket “business meetings” became a safe place to work on building professional skills and relationships as we worked on our entrepreneurial projects.
THANK YOU to Levi and Shannon Schmidt for being our first mentors!
2014 : Junket Inc, 501(c)
After a semi-grueling two year process, in April of 2014 we were granted our official 501(c)3 status. With this, doors were opened for additional funding incentives for donors as all donations were now considered tax-deductible. Additional funding allowed for more resources and event possibilities to meet the needs of Junket members.
THANK YOU to Shoba Rampersaud who helped us with the 501c3 application, we are ever grateful!

2015 : 26 Boroughs of Brooklyn [26B]
Our longest standing project, the 26 Boroughs of Brooklyn, was a pack of postcards with a photo from each major neighborhood in Brooklyn providing a view of the borough through the unique eyes of the Junketeers. The Junket crew took the photos, put together the restaurant list (best from each neighborhood with a review!) made the final edit and packaged them up for the store. Seeing a project through from start to finish provided a huge sense of accomplishment and each step helped build more useful skills for school, work and life.
Then, having a debut unveiling for the postcards where it all started in Bed Stuy. We all felt accomplished!
Thanks to Abbey Adkison for all the fundraiser photos and to Elizabeth Oporto for helping out with 26B and then staying on for years after to mentor.
2016 : Brooklyn Flea
In 2016, we were accepted as a vendor at Brooklyn Flea (a local outdoor flea market) to sell our t-shirts and postcards. Our crew really got a taste of what it means to be an entrepreneur, the minutia of planning, logistics, and what it takes to advertise and sell a product.
The Junketeers persevered and had the satisfaction of making sales and hearing positive feedback from the community.

2017 : Traditions and Making Memories
Over the years, we have prioritized trying new things, whether it’s Ukrainian Easter eggs or mini golf, but we have also maintained certain traditions year to year to foster that sense of family and connection. Apple picking upstate, Thanksgiving Dinner with a game of Scrabble, and of course our annual trek to Governor’s Island have been staples that have provided so many different memories throughout the years. These experiences have also connected old Junket members to new ones, almost as a sort of initiation process.
The foster care system can often cause interruptions to family traditions and celebrations, and while nothing can replace those this was our attempt to create our own version of tradition among our crew as they transition to life on their own.
2018 : Telling Our Stories
In 2018 we transitioned into a new form of storytelling through podcasting. We enlisted Brionna Jimerson and Tim Moran to help us navigate this new (and daunting!) realm of podcasting, giving our Junket crew even more responsibility and control of this process. They told their stories and vulnerably opened the eyes of listeners to their unique experiences in the first season of Stories Around the Table: Season One.
In Season Two, the Junketeers challenged themselves by making flower crowns with India Lofaso and recording their own beats with Spree Wilson. Podcasting certainly challenged us all and it taught many lessons of perseverance and trying again (and again and again!) when things didn’t necessarily go as planned. We were proud of the final product, and even more proud of the resulting growth in confidence and sense of accomplishment.
THANK YOU Brionna and Tim for teaching us how to podcast! Kreg Holt for the Flower Crown pictures! India LoFaso for teaching us how to build flower crowns! Spree Wilson for walking us through making beats!

2019 : Giving Back
Giving back to the community has been a Junket priority from Day One. Funding a well through Charity Water, composting more years than some have liked ;), cleaning up Ft Tyron Park with NY Cares, and purchasing Christmas gifts for youth in Brooklyn have been some of things we’ve been able to do over the years. It continues to be of utmost importance to encourage that connection, locally and globally, to broader humanity and for everyone who passes through Junket to know they always have ways to give back and show up for their fellow human.
2020 : Our Voices Can Change Tomorrow
Amidst the challenges of 2020, the Junket crew rose to the occasion as we met virtually and engaged in a film series inspiring us to ask tough questions and seek ways to fight for change. As our nation was grappling with the injustices happening in real time and in the past, we created a safe place to speak openly and honestly and how our voices and actions can impact change.
2021 - Obama Portraits!
In 2021 we spent the summer celebrating TEN YEARS of Junket! We ended with a viewing of the Obama Portraits at Brooklyn Museum, both beautiful and inspiring- just like their subjects.

Thank You
Thank you to those of you who have believed in us. Whether you bought a tee/tote at that very first fundraiser, picked up a postcard pack at the Flea, or have faithfully donated each month to us - we couldn’t have done any of this without you. You are a member of our Junket extended family, and once you’re in the family, you’re always a part of us.
Thank you for these 10+ years. Here’s to the next. Onward.