Junket Refined

Forever Family Newsletter No 12

We didn't want to inundate with multiple newsletters with all the details of "refinement" happening here at Junket, so we compiling a very packed update highlighting the newly refined junketnyc.org.

This one might require a cup of tea and a good half hour to sift through the content. Despite the amount of work, it’s been pure pleasure to see it take shape.

Thanks for the support and always, appreciate your trust and belief in what we're trying to accomplish.

Sara & Heather

Our members
have a safe place
to belong.

We tackle nontraditional challenges
in nontraditional, but highly personal and effective ways.

Please welcome our new board members!
We are so grateful for how much support they have been so far!

Adulting Guidebook
and a work in progress!

Always looking!
Please reach out if you’re interested.

Our lovely volunteers, Aleah & Dee Dee!

We need to raise $60,000 by the end of 2024 to cover our yearly costs.

Would you help us reach our goal?


Junket has gone Platinum!


Chapter Two: No, It’s Not Sad!